So, You Want a Map?

Thoughtful questions to guide your project.

General Project Questions

  • Who is your intended audience?

    Think about ages; technical prowess and tolerance; will it be used by the public, internal, stakeholders, all of the above; language barriers; accessibility issues (visual deficiencies, vision impairment, etc.).

  • What is the purpose of the map?

    What do you hope the audience takes away?

  • What is the extent of the map in the app?

    Neighborhood, city, county, Census tract, state, country, world, etc.

  • What do you want the map to show?

    Are there features you want to show or highlight? A story you want to tell?

  • Will there be copy in the map?

    For instance text callouts, sidebars, etc. Do you have copy written? Do you need assistance writing or editing copy?

  • What is the timeline?

    Start and end dates and internal milestones.

  • What is your budget?

    Do you have a ceiling?

  • Can you share some examples of apps or maps that you like?

    Put together a list of maps or apps that you like and would want to draw inspiration from.

  • What media assets do you have?

    This would be media like still photography, quotes, illustrations, etc.

  • Do you have a brand kit that you would like the app to follow?

    This would contain palette, typography, icons and logos.

  • What base data do you want to show?

    For instance, political boundaries, roads, hydrology, tax districts, political districts, city boundaries, etc.

  • What other assets do you have?

    These might be organization documents, mission statement and values, tabular data, reports, documents, graphs and charts, etc.

  • What geospatial data does your organization have?

    Think GIS data, kmzs, shapefiles, geodatabases, aerial imagery, elevation data etc. No data is fine! A lot of GIS data is publicly available and free to use, and much spatial data can be created and/or digitized from other sources.

  • Do you want the product to be bilingual?

    Do you have a translator that can assist with bilingual translations? Or do you need to include a professional translator in the bid?

  • What is the final deliverable?

    Digital only? Print? Folded map? Brochure?

  • What are the map dimensions?

    Letter, poster, tiny, unusual…

  • If the map will be folded, do you have a preferred folded size?

    If the map will be bound, what type of binding?

  • Do you need a quote for post-design production?

    Printing, framing, mounting, folding, shipping, etc.

Apps, StoryMaps, Dashboards, Web Maps

  • What device will the app be primarily used with?

    Desktop, tablet, mobile device, or both?

  • Will the app be public or for internal use?

    Some organizations require the content to be for use within their internal organization only, such as stakeholders, field technicians, and GIS managers.

  • How long do you expect a user to interact with the app?

    5 minutes? 30? Do you expect people to “bite off chunks” a little at a time, and come back to finish?

  • For StoryMaps, what is your Call to Action?

    There should be a definitive and explicit Call to Action, both literally as a button (people like clicking buttons!), but also echoed throughout the piece. We don't want to doom and gloom people but we do want to press upon them the importance of the issue and show what's at stake, but offer them a light too.

  • What functionality do you want the app to have?

    For instance, finding the user's location, exporting a PDF of the map area, measuring distance, popups with information, show images or other media, a "guided tour" of key locations, provide directions, find zoning info, view graphs or charts, user-submitted reports for on-the-ground conditions, 3D views, etc.

  • What media assets do you have?

    This would be media like still photography and video, audio, interviews, quotes, illustrations, animations, etc.

  • Do you have copy written?

    Will you be incorporating text from an existing source? Do you need assistance writing or editing copy?

  • Do you have an IT department or web designer/developer?

    Not necessary, but if I will be working with someone on your team to embed the app on your website, this is good info to have.

  • Will the app require maintenance and updates over time?

    Do you want me to be involved on a long term basis?

  • Do you have an ArcGIS Online account?

    What organization will host the app? Esri has a non-profit program with deeply discounted rate for the ArcGIS platform.